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Harvey Leake

Harvey Leake began researching the history of the Four Corners Country more than twenty five years ago, focusing on the explorations and activities the Wetherill family from whom he is descended. His investigations have taken him into many of the Colorado plateau's remote canyons as well as into archives, libraries, and family historical collections. He assists in the interpretation of historical documents and photographs for the Wetherill archive at the Anasazi Heritage Center in Dolores, Colorado and is a retired Electrical Engineer. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from Arizona State University and a Master of Arts degree in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Harvey Leake


Compiled by Harvey Leake, Written by Louisa Wetherill

Wolfkiller is the remarkable life story of a Navajo herdsman and plant-gatherer who lived in the Monument Valley region of Navajo country, along the Utah/Arizona border, from

about 1855 until 1926. Raised by his grandfather and mother, Wolfkiller learned the ancient wisdom of his people. He grew up seeing the beauty in nature and discovering how to face the wind, storms, cold, and even death with optimism and courage. Through his embrace of the natural world, he developed both a rare depth of character and an understanding of human relations that guided him through times of adversity. Wolfkiller's story was recorded and translated by pioneer trader Louisa Wade Wetherill, who met him after moving to his community in the early twentieth century.

Kayenta - Monument Valley

Kayenta and Monument Valley

By Carolyn O’Bagy Davis and Harvey Leake
Arcadia Press, 2010

“Well into the Twentieth Century, the northern border country of Arizona near Monument Valley was a frontier wilderness…. In December 1910, Indian traders John and Louisa Wetherill opened their trading post—with a tent for supplies (and sleeping), and a store counter of boards laid across two barrels. From that modest beginning, Kayenta became the center of Navajo gatherings, exploring expeditions to Rainbow Bridge, Monument Valley, and the grand cliff dwellings in Tesgi Canyon. Soon came a parade of visitors: authors, painters, and archaeologists, as well as cowboys, miners, traders, and tourists. The township today is the hub for thousands of annual visitors from around the world who come to see the magnificent region known as Kayenta country.”


Books can be ordered through Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Email: hleake@earthlink.net 

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Historical images of Zane Grey used with permission of Dr. Loren Grey
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Historical photos of Zane Grey used with permission of Dr. Loren Grey