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ZGWS Releases New Exhibit on Uncle Jimmy Owens

A new exhibit is now available in our Zane Grey Archives entitled “Uncle Jimmy Owens: The Inspiration for many Zane Grey Westerns”.  Owens was a peer of Billy the Kid, managed the herds of Charles Goodnight of “Lonesome Dove “ fame, served as “buffalo keeper” at Yellowstone National Park and became the first Game Warden for the Grand Canyon National Forest Preserve.  He also played a huge role in the preservation of the American Bison.  Uncle Jimmy guided Zane Grey on his 1908 trip with Buffalo Jones to the North Rim where the author documented the events leading to his work “Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon” and more.  You can view the exhibit including many great photos and actually read articles about Jones written by great authors including Grey and even President Teddy Roosevelt.  CLICK HERE to view the exhibit.