Browse Items (76 total)

  • Collection: Zane Grey Magazine Articles, Stories and Serials- Non-Fiction

Early Zane Grey article on fishing the Delaware River

Outdoor_America_Surprise_Valley_Aug_Parts 1 & 2_Sept_1924_HL&KB.pdf
Zane Grey article about Surprise Valley located in what is now Navajo National Monument, Arizona

My Bear Cubs.pdf
Bear cubs befriended by Zane Grey at his cabin under the Tonto Rim, AZ

Izaak _Walton_League_Monthly_Fishing_with_ZG_by Doc _Wiborn_Jan_1923.pdf
Article by Zane Grey's fishing friend, Doc Wiburn

Article about Zane Grey's Blue Tuna

Article about Zane Grey and Buffalo Jones roping mountain lions along the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Primary interest is image of Captain Laurie Mitchell contratulating Zane Grey on his world record blue tuna.

CA Game Fish - How Long Will They Last by Zane Grey.pdf
Article on the status of game fishing in California

Sunset_The Log of the Gladiator_April_1926_NAUGMF.pdf
Sunset, The Log of the Gladiator

Scientific American, Big Game Fishing in New Zealand Seas
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