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  • Collection: Zane Grey and the National Park System

The Spirit of the Border is the second of Zane Grey's novels about his ancestors in Fort Henry (Wheeling, WA) soon after the end of the revolutionary war. A young woman is kidnapped by an evil man named Girty who is leading bands from several tribes…

Tom Doan joins the buffalo hunters going into the Southwest’s inhospitable Staked Plain. Seeing huge herds there, he thinks of getting rich off their hides. He proves efficient as a skinner, and what follows is almost a literal baptism in sweat and…

Meet Allie Lee, the Most Kidnapped Lass in the West, and the sweetheart of Warren Neale, an engineer building the Union Pacific Railway. When she isn't being kidnapped and getting people killed left and right in her rescue, and when he isn't working…

A Navajo man returns to the Navajo Reservation in Arizona after being kidnapped as a child and attending eastern schools. His lover travels from the East to be with him. Together they fight against abuse in a Bureau of Indian Affairs school, the…

A teenage boy from the East wants to become a professional forester and has the opportunity to move to Arizona and intern in a national forest. Here he combats bad hombres who are clear cutting the forests illegally and a raging wildfire. This is…

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"The Young Lion Hunter" is the story of a young adventurer named Ken Ward, who helps to capture mountain lions and cougars in the Grand Canyon. In this tale, Ken rides mustangs, encounters a pack of hounds the likes of which has never been seen,…

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The Young Pitcher is a story about Ken Ward, a talented freshman baseball pitcher just arriving at Wayne College where he is harassed by upper classmen. Eventually, he earns his way onto the team and becomes their star pitcher. The Young Pitcher…

A dying Indian tells three brothers about gold at Thunder Mountain in Idaho's Sawtooth Range. The brothers find the gold and become wealthy. However, instead of the peace for which they hope, they find treachery.

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When Brazos Keene, a haunted cowboy with an honorable streak, comes across Twin Sombreros Ranch, he finds himself dragged into a vicious family feud. A convenient fall guy, Brazos is accused of murder and goes to work clearing his name while helping…

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Old Photo of Virginia City, Montana
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