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  • Collection: Zane Grey and the National Park System

Wanderer of the Desert is a story of a young man of eighteen who wandered for years after an accidental shooting of his brother. He felt as though he was a counterpart of the Biblical killing by Cain of his brother Abel. It takes us through a lonely…

A father and his daughter move from a Texas plantation to a remote location on the Texas frontier, west of the Pecos River, where they build a ranch. Along the way they cross paths with buffalo, Kiowa and Comanche warriors, horse rustlers and gunman…

Young Harvard man Wayne Cameron travels west and meets his destiny. There, he falls in with a brave group of Westerners struggling to fulfill a dangerous, desperate and thrilling dream - to carry through a thousand miles of dangerous wilderness a…

Fort Laramie National Historic Location Entrance

The mystery and insurmountable nature of Wild Horse Mesa had usurped many a thoughtful hour of Chane Weymer's lonely desert life in Utah. Every wandering rider had a strange story to tell about this vast tableland. But Chane had never before seen it…

Wildfire is a magnificent wild horse who is pursued by a relentless horse hunter from Central Utah across the Grand Canyon to Monument Valley in Arizona. Eventually, the horse hunter falls in love with a young woman and lets her ride Wildfire in a…

zane logo.jpg
Illustration by G.M.. Farley of Zane Grey
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