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  • Collection: Zane Grey and the National Park System

Sand dunes in Death Valley

Photograph of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Fort Laramie National Historic Location Entrance

Photograph of Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Arizona Ames.jpg
He didn't drink, talk much, or swear--but he was one tough cowboy. Fast-shooting and big-hearted, he carved himself a legend as he rode the untamed West seeking a place to call home. No one knew that Arizona Ames was filled with secret hurt. It would…

stranger from the tonto.jpg
Lost in the Sonora Desert, Kent Wingfield makes an oath to a dying gold prospector that sends him to a canyon in Utah to fulfill his vow and save a damsel in distress from a man named Bonesteel.

The mystery and insurmountable nature of Wild Horse Mesa had usurped many a thoughtful hour of Chane Weymer's lonely desert life in Utah. Every wandering rider had a strange story to tell about this vast tableland. But Chane had never before seen it…

Tom Doan joins the buffalo hunters going into the Southwest’s inhospitable Staked Plain. Seeing huge herds there, he thinks of getting rich off their hides. He proves efficient as a skinner, and what follows is almost a literal baptism in sweat and…

Wanderer of the Desert is a story of a young man of eighteen who wandered for years after an accidental shooting of his brother. He felt as though he was a counterpart of the Biblical killing by Cain of his brother Abel. It takes us through a lonely…

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area photo
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