Oklahoma City, OK
June 17 – 20th, 2002
Contact Terry Bolinger at tbolin3194@aol.com for information or if you have questions.
Come to Oklahoma City in 2002!
Convention Headquarters will be the Cowboy Hall of Fame.
Come and join us in Oklahoma City, and meet the greatest group of people in the world. Zanies!
Convention Headquarters Hotel: Hilton Hotel Northwest, corner of Northwest Expressway and May Ave North
Convention Site: Cowboy Hall of Fame
Tentative Agenda:

Monday, June 17.
Registration 2 – 5 PM at Cowboy hall of Fame
BBQ, 6 PM, Cowboy Hall of Fame
Tuesday, June 18
GM Farley Memorial Breakfast 7:15 AM, Hilton Hotel
Opening Meetings, 9 AM, Cowboy Hall of Fame
Annual Auction, 1 PM, Cowboy Hall of Fame
Members Book Fair, 7 PM, Cowboy Hall of Fame
Wed, June 19
Bus trip to Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa
Thursday, June 20
Business Meeting, 8:30 AM, Cowboy Hall of Fame
Closing Banquet, 6:30 PM, Cowboy Hall of Fame
Society members should look for registration information in late January, 2002. Contact Terry Bolinger at tbolin3194@aol.com for information or if you have questions.
Future conventions:
The 2003 ZGWS Annual Convention will be held on Prescott, AZ.