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Victor Forsythe Illustrations

The Field and Stream editions that carried Riders of the Purple Sage was very rare, especially the entire collection from January 1912 through July 1923.  Fortunately, all editions can be viewed at the Internet Archive.  Due to both the age of the magazines and the scanning technology used, Victor Forsythe's images are not as clear as one might hope.  However, they do contribute to the overall presentation of the story and are provided here regardless of their limitations. 

FS v16 Feb 1912 VC Forsythe.png
VC Forsythe "Banner Image"
FS v16 Apr 1912 VC Forsythe %22As though through a yellow veil Jane saw Lassiter press that leader inward.%22.png
VC Forsythe "As though through a yellow veil Jane saw Lassiter press that leader inward."
FS Vol 17 May 1912 VC Forsythe %22Lassiter, you are half horse, and Bells sees it already.%22.png
"Lassiter, you are half horse, and Bells sees it already."
FS Vol 17 June 1912 Either %22Only birds can peep over those walls. I've gone Oldring one better.%22.png
VC Forsythe, "Only birds can peep over those walls. I've gone Oldring one better."